Holding Space

      When I was pregnant with our 2nd son, I wanted to do an unassisted/free birth. After talking with my husband, he shared that he didn't feel comfortable with that and would like a midwife present. So, we found a most wonderfully amazing midwife to be present at the birth. She never once stuck her fingers in me, prenatally or during labor. Her faith in birth, in me and in our knowing was unshakable. She never told me what to eat or how to labor. She didn't tell me I was supposed to weigh this much or I should be reading this or that. When I spent 2 hours lying on my back in labor(because I CHOSE that position), she never once told me to switch positions. It was in this position(on my back) that I was able to most connect in with my baby and myself and she could see this. What she did do was hold amazing space for me. She trusted me and guided me only when I asked for guidance. She never called herself a 'master' or claimed to know all of the answers. She was humble and after the birth of our son, she told me, that, after 26 years of attending births, she learned more from me and the birth of my son than any birth she had ever been to.  

     With the birth of our third son, we had a midwife with us who carried a lot of fear and who often tried to force feed information to women. Because she didn't completely trust herself and the birth process, she presented herself as more of an authority and a savior. While in labor, I could feel her fear and as the fear came, so did the commands to me, like, "switch positions", or "let's check your dilation to see where you're at", or "you either need to get up and walk or get in to the shower", etc. I started to feel panicked and fearful and finally, did go in to the shower with my husband. As soon as my husband and I were alone in the bathroom, I was given a beautiful song to sing from a 'grandmother' and as I showered, I sang and my husband massaged my back. All of the fear left me and I could feel our son coming down and within minutes, I gave birth to him.

     I share this story because the first experience of being supported is the type I wish for all of the women that are guided to work with me. I wish for you to feel loved, supported, held, honored and trusted. I have had the pleasure of receiving messages for some of you, giving them to you and witnessing THE MOST AMAZING healing that you do, that you CHOSE to do. We are powerful and knowing and when we are supported and the space is held for us to grow, LOOK OUT! 

     I am so very honored to do this work and to hold space. I am also intensely grateful to those of you in my life who hold space for me and guide me when I ask for guidance. 

Much love.


Writing it all Down