Divine Connection with Baby in Utero
I'm jumping on our trampoline and there it is, the inside of a kaleidoscope! The colors are so vibrant; greens, purples, reds, with tiny bits of clear white light shining through. Stunning! "What is this?" I hear myself wonder. "It's me", I hear a voice say, "and this is what my mom's cervix looks like from in here." I recognize this little boy from our connection the other day. His mama was lying on my couch. I had put my hands on her pregnant belly and he was eager to communicate. "Hmmm, what's up with the white light shining through?" After a brief pause he shows me his tiny finger slowly prying open his mama's cervix. I take a deep breath and say to him, "You know, it's much too early for you to be born. You are only 32 weeks and you need more time to grow."